Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lettuce Talk About July

I've been absent from blogging because I've been too darn busy with...

the three stooges,

sunsets on the hill,

hidden treasures in the woods,

fishin' in the rain,

fishin' in the sun,

topping my mom's birthday cheesecake with fresh strawberries from our local farmer's market,

a celebration luncheon for my Granny's 90th birthday

and enjoying frites and wine, all with ladies I love,

listening to endless "Halo" matches,

eating cheese curds in Wisconsin,

visiting my sister's favorite gardening center, Stockholm Gardens,

admiring the crops at the St. Paul Farmer's Market,

pickin' wildflowers,

and TONS of lettuce.  And spinach, radishes, and turnips.  And weeds.

What a wonderful life I live.


Rachelle said...

What a great post! It all looks like so much fun. I love the creative title! :o)

Tracy said...

Boy are we ever a good looking group! What a lovely evening we had.